====== TabGUI ====== ^ TabGUI ^^ |{{ tabgui.webp?500 |Using TabGUI to enable AntiSpam in Wurst 7.19 MC1.18.1.}}|| ^Type|[[:Other Feature]]| ^Category|[[:No Category|none]]| ^In-game description|"Allows you to quickly toggle hacks while playing.\\ Use the arrow keys to navigate.\\ \\ Change the HackList Position setting to Right to prevent TabGUI from overlapping with the HackList."| ^[[:keybinds#default_keybinds|Default keybind]]|none| TabGUI is a Wurst feature that allows the user to enable and disable hacks using the arrow keys and Enter. Unlike [[ClickGUI]] and [[Navigator]], this does not require the user to stop what they are doing and open a separate screen. TabGUI can be used while walking, mining, fighting, etc. without any interruptions. ===== Controls ===== [{{ tabgui_controls.webp?400|Visualization of TabGUI's controls on an ANSI 104 keyboard.}}] ^Key^Action^ |Up Arrow|Select previous entry.| |Down Arrow|Select next entry.| |Right Arrow|Open category.| |Left Arrow|Close category.| |Enter|Toggle selected feature.| These controls cannot be customized (yet). ===== Settings ===== ==== Status ==== ^ Status ^^ ^Type|Enum| ^In-game description|(none)| ^Default value|Disabled| ^Possible values|Enabled, Disabled| "Status" determines whether or not TabGUI is enabled. Since TabGUI is of type [[:Other Feature]] rather than [[:Hack]], it cannot be enabled or disabled directly. This setting acts as a workaround for that. ===== Changes ===== ^Version^Changes^ |[[update:Wurst 6.19]]|YesCheat+ can now be accessed from the ClickGUI and the TabGUI.| |[[update:Wurst 6.21]]|Added a "UI Settings" window that allows you to customize the opacity, background color and accent color of the ClickGUI (including [[Navigator]] & TabGUI).| |[[update:Wurst 6.7]]|Added TabGUI.| |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre1]]|Temporarily removed TabGUI.| |[[update:Wurst 7.0pre27]]|Re-added TabGUI.| |[[update:Wurst 7.15.3]]|Fixed TabGUI crashing the game.| |unknown version FIXME|Renamed TabGUI to TabGui.| |[[update:Wurst 7.19]]|Renamed TabGui to TabGUI.| {{tag>client-side}}